Why to Jailbreak ?

Top 15 reasons to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad

It has been more than two weeks since Apple released iOS 9, which includes number of new features such as the ability to switch back to the previous app, Proactive Assistant,transit directions in Maps, enhanced multitasking features for the iPad, all-new News app, revamped Notes app and Low Power mode.

It goes without saying that like many of you we are eagerly waiting for the iOS 9 jailbreak, but the big question is, are there still enough reasons to jailbreak iOS 9 since it kills a number of jailbreak apps and tweaks. ?

We think there are still some very good reasons to jailbreak iOS 9 when it is released. Here are some of the top reasons:
#1. Themes

Jailbreaking will allow you customize your iOS device in every way possible. You can install themes to change the look and feel of your iPhone or you can use Winterboard that allows you to transform your iPhone into an Android phoneor transform your iPad into a Mac. Jailbreak tweaks also let you add a 5-icon dock,additional row of keys to iOS’ virtual keyboard, change the carrier logo and lots more.

You can change app icons that annoy you to better versions, designed by people from the community. You can check our post on the perfect jailbroken iPhone to get an idea of how you can customize your device.

#2. Customizations

In addition to theming, tweaks like Springtomize 3 allow you to customize every aspect of the iOS such as increase the number of apps in the dock to 10, give the dock a cool coverflow effect, change the duration of the system-wide animations, remove the page limits, customize the default animations, the lock screen, hide icons of stock apps, resize icons and lots more.


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